My rolling carts are full of drawers which I somewhat organized when I started four years ago, and have tried to eliminate bits and pieces since. I have way too many linking cubes though! I have unifix cubes, snap cubes (at least that's wht I call them) which connect every which way and 'snap' together, and more snap kind of cubes that have a skinny nub that connects them. I'm very technical in my naming of manipulatives! I like using unifix cubes for math the best, but my kids love using the snap cubes for indoor recess. I had two drawers of them so I eliminated one. And during indoor recess this week (rain on top of snow turned the playground into glaze ice) I noticed that as usual no one way using the K'Nex. I don't think anyone has used them in four years. So I purged these:
I also got rid of two bingo games, addition and subtraction, that weren't great and I hated to use. One of our subs who is looking to get into a classroom picked those up in case she can use them in the future.
For now that is all I have done. Because during this week I was also prepping for Monday morning. I am in the last semester of my masters program and Monday is the beginning of a six week Action Research project. I've got a sub coming to teach while I gather data on my students' phonemic awareness and I needed everything ready to hit the ground running!
Hopefully I can carve out 5-10 minutes a day each week to keep purging. Head over to the Clutter Free Classroom for more inspiration. It's keeping me going.
Great job on getting started! I just wanted to share an idea from Debbie Diller's Math Stations book. I had tons of those linking cubes also (the snappy things) and she said to put them together in towers(what I call them) of 10 by color. I had my kids do that last year at the end of the year. WOW!! It is so much nicer this year! I hand out a tower and we get right to work. If they are making patterns, they get 2 different towers. You get the picture! Also - they store much better in the dish washing bucket! :) Just thought I would pass the idea around.Good luck! Keep purging and organizing!Krissy at